Over twenty members of the DSP PDS from across the country met up at Bueno Tapas & Wine Restaurant BGC, Taguig on January 17, 2024 to witness to the inauguration of the new diplomates of the society: Dr. Rosary Judielle Gucaban-Calimag, Dr. Lee-Ann C. Chang, Dr. Janelle G. Go, and Dr. Juan Paolo David S. Villena. The DSP-PDS toasted to another fruitful year under the leadership of Dr. Eileen Liesl A. Cubillan (President) and to welcome the successful board examination passers of 2023. The event was organized by Dr. Maria Franchesca Q. Calayag, the current Head of the Socials Committee.
Induction of diplomates 2023
(L-R) Dr. Mara P. Evangelista-Huber (Treasurer), Dr. Janelle G. Go (Diplomate), Dr. Juan Paolo David Villena (Diplomate) Dr. Lee-Ann Caro Chang (Diplomate), Dr. Rosary Judielle G. Calimag (Diplomate), Dr. Claudine Yap Silva (Head, CME) Eileen Liesl A. Cubillan (president)
Dr. Eileen Liesl A. Cubillan shares the accomplishments of the past year and the plans for the new one.